The Eagle Lats Routine: Natty Lats Maximization
The Eagle Lats Routine: Natty Lat Maximization
Maximize Lat Growth At Home With Two Exercises
by TruthSeeker
The Importance of Lat Development
The lats are part of the “visual impact muscles" even though they are covered most of the time, and you can't see them yourself without a mirror.
But if the lats aren’t developed the entire torso looks fragile. They are also critical (much more important than the deltoids) for developing the so-called V-taper.
If you are slim and train your lats hard, you will look much wider than if you were to do a million lateral raises.
There are four obstacles in front of "lat maximization":
- Inability to activate the lats (very common for noobs and somewhat easy to fix as long as you don't overthink)
- Low volume (the lats love volume and are close to impossible to overtrain)
- Low frequency (you can't maximize a muscle group by training it once a week)
- Too many pull-ups done with bad form leading to elbow pain
This article presents a lat maximization routine that will help you overcome all the obstacles above by focusing on two exercises done with weights (pull-ups aren't part of the program for reasons that I will explain later).